Charming Chickens
All you need to know to fall for these curious, gentle and misunderstood souls
Chickens can count
Pepper the rescued chicken
Chicken enjoys a daily hug
Happy Hen Sanctuary
Dog and chicken are inseparable friends
Chickens showing intelligence
Chicken delays the usual hug
The story of Penelope
Life at Farm Sanctuary
Chicken Street, Texas
Tofu the chicken is a true survivor
Chickens love to hug
Jokgu the piano playing chicken
Rescued chicken is much loved
Rooster likes to meet his favourite girl
Good morning at Farm Sanctuary
There's also a list of great farm sanctuaries active on social media here.
You can find out what happens to chickens when we use them for meat and eggs by clicking
on the red button below. Much of what you'll find is standard practice to the industry or
took place at humane assured facilities. It's not easy viewing, but if you still think it's fine
to use and kill these animals then I highly recommend taking a look. If instead you find
these things are simply too awful to look at please ask yourself why, if you can't even
bear to look at them, is it okay to pay for them to happen?
"Sins, like chickens, come home to roost."
- Charles W. Chesnutt
- Charles W. Chesnutt