Shipshape Sheep
Everything you need to know about these wonderfully wooly souls
Rescue touchingly reunited with her lambs
Sheep having fun with dog friend
Jack the sheep gets to live like a dog
Rescued lamb and cat are best of friends
Sheep opening enclosure gates
Lily the lamb is a real fighter
Sheep loves to play with dogs
Sheep can recognize faces
Clever sheep wants to drink
Boy and lamb are best of friends
Cuddly pig helps lonely sheep recover
Orphaned lambs live the good life
How sheep show affection
Sheep shearing at Farm Sanctuary
Fred the sheep loves to play football
Happy sheep loves to bounce
There's also a list of great farm sanctuaries active on social media here.
You can find out what happens to sheep when we use them for meat, dairy or wool by
clicking on the red button below. Much of what you'll find is standard practice to the
industry or took place at humane assured facilities. It's not easy viewing, but if you still
think it's fine to use and kill these animals then I highly recommend you take a look.
If you find instead these things are simply too awful to look at then please ask yourself
why, if you can't even bear to look at them, is it okay to pay for them to happen?
"To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being."
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Mahatma Gandhi