Animal products are healthy
And vegans are unhealthy
Food is an integral part of our lives and culture and so it stands to reason we should all feel strongly about it. It's vital to understand however just how important what we eat is in terms of our body's health and its ability to fight off disease, as well as the many lingering misconceptions when it comes to the health benefits (or lack thereof) of what we put into our bodies.
Many people seem to have both strong and negative opinions of the merits of a plant-based diet even though when questioned further they lack even a basic understanding of nutrition. Examples of this are evident from the first questions I'm asked when people discover I don't eat animal products. Claims like 'you need to eat meat for protein' and 'you can't have strong bones without milk' are both outdated and incorrect yet still persist to this day. This is probably caused by a number of factors, from stubbornly persisting misunderstandings of the past to clever misinformation from the animal product industries - and perhaps also the cultural notion that the way we've always done things must be the right way to do so.
Such misunderstandings make it doubly important when sourcing reliable dietary information to try and get it via logical and rational means and not from places that simply parrot the things you want to hear. I'm not a health expert myself so I look to others who are, and to those whose claims are backed up by studies, data and peer-reviewed scientific evidence (and not funded by those with a vested interest).
Many people seem to have both strong and negative opinions of the merits of a plant-based diet even though when questioned further they lack even a basic understanding of nutrition. Examples of this are evident from the first questions I'm asked when people discover I don't eat animal products. Claims like 'you need to eat meat for protein' and 'you can't have strong bones without milk' are both outdated and incorrect yet still persist to this day. This is probably caused by a number of factors, from stubbornly persisting misunderstandings of the past to clever misinformation from the animal product industries - and perhaps also the cultural notion that the way we've always done things must be the right way to do so.
Such misunderstandings make it doubly important when sourcing reliable dietary information to try and get it via logical and rational means and not from places that simply parrot the things you want to hear. I'm not a health expert myself so I look to others who are, and to those whose claims are backed up by studies, data and peer-reviewed scientific evidence (and not funded by those with a vested interest).
Below are some great sources covering many of the main areas of misunderstanding around diet and nutrition, as
well as links to some of the leading doctors who are helping prevent (and even reverse) many of the main causes of ill health in the developed world.
Dr Michael Gregor of is my personal favourite as he cuts through all the opinions and misinformation by only using scientific studies as the basis for his advice and recommendations. You can also follow on Youtube where he posts all the short-but-informative videos available on the website.
You can also click the titles below for a brief overview of the animal products we consume
- Meat - - Eggs - - Dairy - - Fish -
There's also good info on the site regarding fruits and vegetables and those who eat a vegan diet, as well as the differences between animal protein and plant protein. It's quite a lot to take in in one sitting, but if you have a genuine interest in understanding the role of food in our health and longevity then absorbing this information is time well spent.
well as links to some of the leading doctors who are helping prevent (and even reverse) many of the main causes of ill health in the developed world.
Dr Michael Gregor of is my personal favourite as he cuts through all the opinions and misinformation by only using scientific studies as the basis for his advice and recommendations. You can also follow on Youtube where he posts all the short-but-informative videos available on the website.
You can also click the titles below for a brief overview of the animal products we consume
- Meat - - Eggs - - Dairy - - Fish -
There's also good info on the site regarding fruits and vegetables and those who eat a vegan diet, as well as the differences between animal protein and plant protein. It's quite a lot to take in in one sitting, but if you have a genuine interest in understanding the role of food in our health and longevity then absorbing this information is time well spent.
Other doctors focusing on the role of diet in health and the prevention of disease include:
- Dr Neal Barnard of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Dr T. Colin Campbell
- Dr John McDougall
- Dr Caldwell Esselstyn
- Dr Dean Ornish
You can follow them on social media, and if you find what they have to say interesting most have written
some great books too.
- Dr Neal Barnard of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Dr T. Colin Campbell
- Dr John McDougall
- Dr Caldwell Esselstyn
- Dr Dean Ornish
You can follow them on social media, and if you find what they have to say interesting most have written
some great books too.
- Further Viewing -
The 'convergence of evidence' that a plant-based diet is optimal for human health and longevity.
Dr. Michael Greger:
Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death |
"We should all be eating fruits and vegetables as if our lives depend on it - because they do."
Dr. Michael Greger
Dr. Michael Greger